San Clemente joined cities throughout California to take part in A Day Without a Bag on December 18, a day in which residents are urged not to use plastic bags while shopping. Local groups including San Clemente Green, Watershed Task Force, the city of San Clemente, Surfrider Foundation, Earth Resource Foundation and Heal the Bay helped organize efforts in San Clemente to promote use of reusable bags for shopping at grocery stores. “It’s the right thing to do,” said a gentlemen from one of these stores. “For us it’s about being a good neighbor. People want to live greener lives, so if we can help in any way, we will.”
According to Heal the Bay, the organization that started A Day Without a Bag, Americans use 380 billion disposable plastic bags annually, which in turn work their way into the food chain.
WHAT’S NEXT: The groups distributed some 1,500 free reusable shopping bags Thursday, hoping that residents will begin cashing in on the perks that come with using reusable bags. Many stores reward customers who bring in their own reusable bags by awarding Green Points.
One resident admitted that she has some reusable bags at home but, like many others, has a difficult time remembering to bring them with her to the grocery store. “I’m going to put it in the car with the diaper bag because I take that with me everywhere I go,” said a mother of an 8-month-old baby.
Moving forward, organizers are hoping that the program will expand beyond California, but for now there’s still work to be done locally. “We need to get elected officials to help promote zero waste policies for their cities,” said Stephanie Barger, executive director of Earth Resource Foundation, based in Costa Mesa. “Less than 5 percent of bags are recycled. Manhattan Beach and Malibu have banned plastic bags 100 percent.”
One thing is for sure, there's a lot awareness developing regarding the utility of reusable shopping bags; and it is time to be proactive. Every human being can make a difference. You can make a difference too. Begin by clicking here. These folks will assist you alternative bag solutions.
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